Major Roster Changes at Rare Atom: European Players Exit the Chinese Esports Giant

Major Roster Changes at Rare Atom: European Players Exit the Chinese Esports Giant

In an unexpected turn of events, Rare Atom, a prominent name in the Chinese esports arena, has witnessed a major reshuffling of its roster.

The departure of its European contingent, including standout players Love “⁠phzy⁠” Smidebrant, Kornél “⁠kory⁠” Szedlár, and Heng “⁠expro⁠” Yang, along with coaches Slaava “⁠Twista⁠” Räsänen and Petteri “⁠peku⁠” Jaakkola, marks a significant transformation for the team.

The Impact of European Talent on Rare Atom

Since their induction into Rare Atom, these European players and coaches have played a pivotal role in the team’s ascent in the Asian esports scene. Their journey, characterized by rapid growth and competitive success, included near qualification for the PGL Major RMR and a spot in the BLAST Premier Showdown. Central to their achievements was phzy, the Swedish sniper, whose exceptional performance and 1.33 rating underscored his importance to the team’s strategy and success.

phzy’s Departure and Future Prospects

Phzy, a former member of Young Ninjas and Sangal, announced his decision to leave Rare Atom and return to the European Counter-Strike scene. His departure, which he states was a personal choice, opens a new chapter in his career. At 21, his potential return to Europe is highly anticipated, with the esports community keen to follow his next steps.


With the exit of these key figures, Rare Atom is left with just two players, YuLun “⁠Summer⁠” Cai and HaoWen “⁠somebody⁠” Xu.

This dramatic change prompts a reevaluation of their strategy and recruitment plans. The focus now shifts to how Rare Atom will rebuild its team to remain competitive on the international stage.


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