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eSports AI-Powered Assist.

The assistant will offer you the most detailed insights on the upcoming match.

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eSports {0}AI{1}-Powered Assist. eSports {0}AI{1}-Powered Assist.

How it works

AI-generated insights for each game.

AI-generated insights for each game.

  • The assistant will offer you comprehensive insights about the upcoming match through both a widgets and a chatbot.
  • There's no longer a need to compile insights from multiple sources - simply ask the assistant!

Here are some examples of requests you can make to an AI:

  • Show win probability G2 vs Fnc and explain your answer Show win probability G2 vs Fnc and explain your answer
  • Show first blood probability G2 vs Fnc if adc will take jinx? Show first blood probability G2 vs Fnc if adc will take jinx?
  • Show win probability G2 in late game? Show win probability G2 in late game?
Try for free
Instant access to a comprehensive {0}e-sportstats.com{1} database through AI-enhanced chat.

Instant access to a comprehensive e-sportstats.com database through AI-enhanced chat.

  • Using AI in chat can quickly provide you with the insights you need to make informed betting decisions.
  • You no longer have to look for the information you need - simply ask the assistant!

Example of requests to AI:

  • Form the top 5 champions in the top lane in LEC. Form the top 5 champions in the top lane in LEC.
  • Form the top 5 ADC bans in LCK. Form the top 5 ADC bans in LCK.
  • Form the schedule of NAVI matches in CS2. Form the schedule of NAVI matches in CS2.
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the ess assist

will be available soon!

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Will be available from



per month

  • AI-powered assistant
  • Premium widgets with AI-powered analytics
  • Full access to the entire database of e-sportstats.com via an AI assistant

  • Private community