RLCS SA Major 2: Open Qualifier season 5 2024 Group Stage

Finished Friday, May 10, 2024 BO5


Not Exposed


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Not Exposed vs Crianças - team stats comparison - May 10, 2024 8:50 PM

RLCS SA Major 2: Open Qualifier season 5 2024

About a Match Not Exposed NE vs Crianças CRI - 5/10/24

Not Exposed and Crianças will play their next match on May 10, 2024 8:50 PM at the RLCS SA Major 2: Open Qualifier season 5 2024 Rocket League Tournament

  • NE has winrate 40% in the previous 5 matches, and CRI is 40%.
  • Previously in current tournament before this match team NE had lost over team CRI 1 time, while Crianças had 1 victory over Not Exposed.
  • NE current streak is 2 loses and CRI 2 loses.
  • Team NE will be represented by roods, LeoDkn, KnS, and Team CRI is by edu, Dappluto.

Not Exposed vs Crianças - current rosters

Not Exposed Crianças
Rodrigo Alves
Leonardo Alves de Jesus
Kaique Notare Silva
João Pedro Martins