LCK Challengers League Spring 2024 Regular Season

Terminado segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2024 BO3


KT Rolster Challengers

Hanwha Life Esports Challengers

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Hanwha Life Esports Challengers vs KT Rolster Challengers - Jogo 1

HLE vs KT.C - LCK Challengers League Spring 2024 Regular Season - 15/01/2024 - Jogo 1 Visão Geral do Jogo

Equipe Ouro 60701
  • Cloud Drake
  • Ocean Drake
  • Ocean Drake
  • Arautos
  • Barão Nashors
  • Inibidores
  • Torres
Vencedor Hanwha Life Esports Challengers
21:2 31:04
1º Drake
  • 2
  • 0
  • 0
    Barão Nashors
  • 0
  • Ocean Drake
  • Hextech Drake
46702 Equipe Ouro
  • Escolhas
  • Ahri
  • Tahm Kench
  • Aatrox
  • Senna
  • Lee Sin
  • Proibições
  • Ashe
  • Vi
  • Gnar
  • Varus
  • Renekton
  • Escolhas
  • Udyr
  • Xin Zhao
  • Karma
  • Smolder
  • Rakan
  • Proibições
  • Nautilus
  • Taliyah
  • Maokai
  • K'Sante
  • Orianna
Vencedor Hanwha Life Esports Challengers
21:2 31:04
  • Escolhas
  • Ahri
  • Tahm Kench
  • Aatrox
  • Senna
  • Lee Sin
  • Proibições
  • Ashe
  • Vi
  • Gnar
  • Varus
  • Renekton
  • Escolhas
  • Udyr
  • Xin Zhao
  • Karma
  • Smolder
  • Rakan
  • Proibições
  • Nautilus
  • Taliyah
  • Maokai
  • K'Sante
  • Orianna
  • 60701
    Equipe Ouro
    46702 1º Drake
  • 1
  • 1
    Barão Nashors
  • 1
  • 8
    • Cloud Drake
    • Ocean Drake
    • Ocean Drake
    • Ocean Drake
    • Hextech Drake

Estatísticas do jogador

Flash Teleport TOP

HLE Rooster

HLE Rooster

  • 5/1/9 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 238 Creeps Killed
  • 12,23k Ouro Conquistado
Ruby Crystal Mercury's Treads Doran's Shield Edge of Night Serylda's Grudge Profane Hydra Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

HLE Grizzly

HLE Grizzly

  • 5/0/13 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 210 Creeps Killed
  • 13,04k Ouro Conquistado
Mercury's Treads Sterak's Gage Eclipse Sundered Sky Stealth Ward
Flash Teleport MID

HLE Loki

HLE Loki

  • 7/0/9 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 280 Creeps Killed
  • 14k Ouro Conquistado
Mercury's Treads Needlessly Large Rod Rabadon's Deathcap Liandry's Torment Malignance Oracle Lens
Heal Flash ADC

HLE Lure

HLE Lure

  • 3/0/16 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 59 Creeps Killed
  • 10,59k Ouro Conquistado
Boots of Swiftness Kircheis Shard Lord Dominik's Regards Youmuu's Ghostblade Bloodsong Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport SUPPORT

HLE Baut

HLE Baut

  • 1/1/10 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 217 Creeps Killed
  • 10,84k Ouro Conquistado
Control Ward Mercury's Treads Bramble Vest Knight's Vow Hollow Radiance Frozen Heart Farsight Alteration
Ghost Teleport TOP

KT.C Casting

KT.C Casting

  • 0/7/1 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 198 Creeps Killed
  • 8,94k Ouro Conquistado
Plated Steelcaps Spirit Visage Oblivion Orb Iceborn Gauntlet Farsight Alteration
Smite Flash JUNGLE

KT.C HamBak

KT.C HamBak

  • 1/4/1 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 153 Creeps Killed
  • 8,67k Ouro Conquistado
Ruby Crystal Control Ward Plated Steelcaps Null-Magic Mantle Sundered Sky Frozen Heart Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

KT.C Zinie

KT.C Zinie

  • 0/4/1 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 245 Creeps Killed
  • 10,1k Ouro Conquistado
Dark Seal Amplifying Tome Ionian Boots of Lucidity Morellonomicon Horizon Focus Malignance Farsight Alteration
Flash Teleport ADC

KT.C Hype

KT.C Hype

  • 1/3/0 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 336 Creeps Killed
  • 12,32k Ouro Conquistado
Rapid Firecannon Blasting Wand Amplifying Tome Ionian Boots of Lucidity Spear of Shojin Essence Reaver Farsight Alteration
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

KT.C Way

KT.C Way

  • 0/3/1 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 31 Creeps Killed
  • 6,67k Ouro Conquistado
Glacial Buckler Kindlegem Ionian Boots of Lucidity Locket of the Iron Solari Celestial Opposition Oracle Lens
Campeão Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências Itens do jogador Creeps Killed Ouro Conquistado
Flash Teleport TOP

HLE Rooster

Ruby Crystal Mercury's Treads Doran's Shield Edge of Night Serylda's Grudge Profane Hydra Oracle Lens
238 12,23k
Smite Flash JUNGLE

HLE Grizzly

Mercury's Treads Sterak's Gage Eclipse Sundered Sky Stealth Ward
210 13,04k
Flash Teleport MID

HLE Loki

Mercury's Treads Needlessly Large Rod Rabadon's Deathcap Liandry's Torment Malignance Oracle Lens
280 14k
Heal Flash ADC

HLE Lure

Boots of Swiftness Kircheis Shard Lord Dominik's Regards Youmuu's Ghostblade Bloodsong Oracle Lens
59 10,59k
Flash Teleport SUPPORT

HLE Baut

Control Ward Mercury's Treads Bramble Vest Knight's Vow Hollow Radiance Frozen Heart Farsight Alteration
217 10,84k
Ouro Conquistado Creeps Killed Itens do jogador Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências Campeão
8,94k 198
Plated Steelcaps Spirit Visage Oblivion Orb Iceborn Gauntlet Farsight Alteration
Ghost Teleport TOP

KT.C Casting

8,67k 153
Ruby Crystal Control Ward Plated Steelcaps Null-Magic Mantle Sundered Sky Frozen Heart Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

KT.C HamBak

10,1k 245
Dark Seal Amplifying Tome Ionian Boots of Lucidity Morellonomicon Horizon Focus Malignance Farsight Alteration
Flash Teleport MID

KT.C Zinie

12,32k 336
Rapid Firecannon Blasting Wand Amplifying Tome Ionian Boots of Lucidity Spear of Shojin Essence Reaver Farsight Alteration
Flash Teleport ADC

KT.C Hype

6,67k 31
Glacial Buckler Kindlegem Ionian Boots of Lucidity Locket of the Iron Solari Celestial Opposition Oracle Lens
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

KT.C Way

Distribuição de danos

Distribuição %
TOP 22,83% 12,24%
JUNGLE 17,22% 11,22%
MID 27,29% 27,76%
ADC 24,32% 45,13%
SUPPORT 8,34% 3,65%

Distribuição de ouro

Distribuição %
TOP 20,15% 19,13%
JUNGLE 21,48% 18,57%
MID 23,07% 21,63%
ADC 17,45% 26,37%
SUPPORT 17,86% 14,29%

Minion kills

Distribuição %
TOP 23,71% 20,56%
JUNGLE 20,92% 15,89%
MID 27,89% 25,44%
ADC 5,88% 34,89%
SUPPORT 21,61% 3,22%