LDL Split 3 2023 Group B

Terminado domingo, 16 de julho de 2023 BO3


MAX E-Sports Club

FunPlus Phoenix Blaze

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Experimente grátis

FunPlus Phoenix Blaze vs MAX E-Sports Club - Jogo 1

FPB vs MAX - LDL Split 3 2023 Group B - 19/06/2023 - Jogo 1 Visão Geral do Jogo

Equipe Ouro 59946
  • Cloud Drake
  • Montanha Drake
  • Montanha Drake
  • Infernal Drake
  • Arautos
  • Barão Nashors
  • Inibidores
  • Torres
1º Drake
Vencedor FunPlus Phoenix Blaze
19:5 29:38
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
    Barão Nashors
  • 1
47203 Equipe Ouro
  • Escolhas
  • Poppy
  • Syndra
  • Jax
  • Kai'Sa
  • Blitzcrank
  • Proibições
  • Rumble
  • Wukong
  • Jayce
  • Sejuani
  • Annie
  • Escolhas
  • Renekton
  • Xayah
  • Nocturne
  • Rakan
  • Ahri
  • Proibições
  • Zoe
  • Taliyah
  • LeBlanc
  • Neeko
  • Tristana
Vencedor FunPlus Phoenix Blaze
19:5 29:38
  • Escolhas
  • Poppy
  • Syndra
  • Jax
  • Kai'Sa
  • Blitzcrank
  • Proibições
  • Rumble
  • Wukong
  • Jayce
  • Sejuani
  • Annie
  • Escolhas
  • Renekton
  • Xayah
  • Nocturne
  • Rakan
  • Ahri
  • Proibições
  • Zoe
  • Taliyah
  • LeBlanc
  • Neeko
  • Tristana
  • 1º Drake 59946
    Equipe Ouro
  • 1
  • 2
    Barão Nashors
  • 1
  • 10
    • Cloud Drake
    • Montanha Drake
    • Montanha Drake
    • Infernal Drake

Estatísticas do jogador

Flash Teleport TOP

FPB Longmao

FPB Longmao

  • 2/0/5 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 279 Creeps Killed
  • 13,32k Ouro Conquistado
Control Ward Plated Steelcaps Caulfield's Warhammer Divine Sunderer Gargoyle Stoneplate Black Cleaver Stealth Ward
Smite Flash JUNGLE

FPB haoye

FPB haoye

  • 4/1/7 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 175 Creeps Killed
  • 11,48k Ouro Conquistado
Giant's Belt Control Ward Plated Steelcaps Dead Man's Plate Divine Sunderer Stopwatch Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

FPB Qing

FPB Qing

  • 7/1/6 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 238 Creeps Killed
  • 13,45k Ouro Conquistado
Mejai's Soulstealer Needlessly Large Rod Sorcerer's Shoes Shadowflame Luden's Tempest Oracle Lens
Ghost Flash ADC

FPB Xingye

FPB Xingye

  • 6/2/8 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 274 Creeps Killed
  • 13,4k Ouro Conquistado
Dark Seal Berserker's Greaves Broken Stopwatch Statikk Shiv Nashor's Tooth Guinsoo's Rageblade Farsight Alteration
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

FPB Fahai

FPB Fahai

  • 0/1/12 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 44 Creeps Killed
  • 8,3k Ouro Conquistado
Control Ward Mercury's Treads Bulwark of the Mountain Crystalline Bracer Lifewell Pendant Everfrost Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport TOP

MAX Garvey

MAX Garvey

  • 0/5/0 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 222 Creeps Killed
  • 9,59k Ouro Conquistado
Cloth Armor Plated Steelcaps Sterak's Gage Goredrinker Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

MAX moyan

MAX moyan

  • 1/6/3 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 172 Creeps Killed
  • 9,21k Ouro Conquistado
Long Sword Control Ward Ionian Boots of Lucidity Black Cleaver Stridebreaker Farsight Alteration
Flash Teleport MID

MAX Medzz

MAX Medzz

  • 2/2/2 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 279 Creeps Killed
  • 11,4k Ouro Conquistado
Dark Seal Control Ward Banshee's Veil Ionian Boots of Lucidity Horizon Focus Everfrost Oracle Lens
Ghost Flash ADC

MAX Such

MAX Such

  • 2/4/0 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 264 Creeps Killed
  • 10,98k Ouro Conquistado
Cloak of Agility Vampiric Scepter Doran's Blade Berserker's Greaves Guardian Angel Navori Quickblades Farsight Alteration
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

MAX Vinay

MAX Vinay

  • 0/2/4 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 35 Creeps Killed
  • 6,02k Ouro Conquistado
Control Ward Mercury's Treads Winged Moonplate Bulwark of the Mountain Shurelya's Battlesong Oracle Lens
Campeão Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências Itens do jogador Creeps Killed Ouro Conquistado
Flash Teleport TOP

FPB Longmao

Control Ward Plated Steelcaps Caulfield's Warhammer Divine Sunderer Gargoyle Stoneplate Black Cleaver Stealth Ward
279 13,32k
Smite Flash JUNGLE

FPB haoye

Giant's Belt Control Ward Plated Steelcaps Dead Man's Plate Divine Sunderer Stopwatch Oracle Lens
175 11,48k
Flash Teleport MID

FPB Qing

Mejai's Soulstealer Needlessly Large Rod Sorcerer's Shoes Shadowflame Luden's Tempest Oracle Lens
238 13,45k
Ghost Flash ADC

FPB Xingye

Dark Seal Berserker's Greaves Broken Stopwatch Statikk Shiv Nashor's Tooth Guinsoo's Rageblade Farsight Alteration
274 13,4k
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

FPB Fahai

Control Ward Mercury's Treads Bulwark of the Mountain Crystalline Bracer Lifewell Pendant Everfrost Oracle Lens
44 8,3k
Ouro Conquistado Creeps Killed Itens do jogador Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências Campeão
9,59k 222
Cloth Armor Plated Steelcaps Sterak's Gage Goredrinker Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport TOP

MAX Garvey

9,21k 172
Long Sword Control Ward Ionian Boots of Lucidity Black Cleaver Stridebreaker Farsight Alteration
Smite Flash JUNGLE

MAX moyan

11,4k 279
Dark Seal Control Ward Banshee's Veil Ionian Boots of Lucidity Horizon Focus Everfrost Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

MAX Medzz

10,98k 264
Cloak of Agility Vampiric Scepter Doran's Blade Berserker's Greaves Guardian Angel Navori Quickblades Farsight Alteration
Ghost Flash ADC

MAX Such

6,02k 35
Control Ward Mercury's Treads Winged Moonplate Bulwark of the Mountain Shurelya's Battlesong Oracle Lens
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

MAX Vinay

Distribuição de danos

Distribuição %
TOP 16,16% 14,33%
JUNGLE 17,59% 12,16%
MID 27,46% 32,76%
ADC 28,77% 31,56%
SUPPORT 10,01% 9,19%

Distribuição de ouro

Distribuição %
TOP 22,21% 20,32%
JUNGLE 19,15% 19,52%
MID 22,44% 24,15%
ADC 22,35% 23,26%
SUPPORT 13,85% 12,75%

Minion kills

Distribuição %
TOP 27,62% 22,84%
JUNGLE 17,33% 17,7%
MID 23,56% 28,7%
ADC 27,13% 27,16%
SUPPORT 4,36% 3,6%