LIT Summer 2024 Regular Season

Terminado quinta-feira, 13 de junho de 2024 BO1


aNc Outplayed


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Experimente grátis

aNc Outplayed vs ENEMI3S - Jogo 1

OP vs NM3 - LIT Summer 2024 Regular Season - 23/05/2024 - Jogo 1 Visão Geral do Jogo

Equipe Ouro 78413
  • Hextech Drake
  • Hextech Drake
  • Hextech Drake
  • Arautos
  • Barão Nashors
  • Inibidores
  • Torres
13:22 45:13
Vencedor ENEMI3S
1º Drake
  • 9
  • 2
  • 3
    Barão Nashors
  • 0
  • Cloud Drake
  • Montanha Drake
  • Hextech Drake
  • Hextech Drake
88752 Equipe Ouro
  • Escolhas
  • Nautilus
  • Smolder
  • K'Sante
  • LeBlanc
  • Vi
  • Proibições
  • Draven
  • Kalista
  • Renekton
  • Aatrox
  • Ivern
  • Escolhas
  • Corki
  • Taliyah
  • Jhin
  • Rell
  • Gwen
  • Proibições
  • Ashe
  • Rumble
  • Skarner
  • Twisted Fate
  • Varus
13:22 45:13
Vencedor ENEMI3S
  • Escolhas
  • Nautilus
  • Smolder
  • K'Sante
  • LeBlanc
  • Vi
  • Proibições
  • Draven
  • Kalista
  • Renekton
  • Aatrox
  • Ivern
  • Escolhas
  • Corki
  • Taliyah
  • Jhin
  • Rell
  • Gwen
  • Proibições
  • Ashe
  • Rumble
  • Skarner
  • Twisted Fate
  • Varus
  • 78413
    Equipe Ouro
    88752 1º Drake
  • 1
  • 0
    Barão Nashors
  • 0
  • 4
    • Hextech Drake
    • Hextech Drake
    • Hextech Drake
    • Cloud Drake
    • Montanha Drake
    • Hextech Drake
    • Hextech Drake

Estatísticas do jogador

Flash Teleport TOP

OP koprtop

OP koprtop

  • 5/2/7 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 367 Creeps Killed
  • 18,07k Ouro Conquistado
Mercury's Treads Kaenic Rookern Jak'Sho, The Protean Iceborn Gauntlet Randuin's Omen Abyssal Mask Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

OP Indecision

OP Indecision

  • 1/8/4 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 240 Creeps Killed
  • 12,94k Ouro Conquistado
Cloth Armor Warden's Mail Mercury's Treads Sundered Sky Maw of Malmortius Randuin's Omen Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

OP XoNix

OP XoNix

  • 3/3/6 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 378 Creeps Killed
  • 18,14k Ouro Conquistado
Sorcerer's Shoes Rabadon's Deathcap Cryptbloom Zhonya's Hourglass Luden's Companion Hextech Alternator Oracle Lens
Barrier Flash ADC

OP Yakkey

OP Yakkey

  • 4/2/3 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 517 Creeps Killed
  • 19,81k Ouro Conquistado
Ionian Boots of Lucidity Spear of Shojin Maw of Malmortius Bloodthirster Rapid Firecannon Essence Reaver Farsight Alteration
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

OP Shredder

OP Shredder

  • 0/7/9 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 46 Creeps Killed
  • 9,46k Ouro Conquistado
Control Ward Mercury's Treads Celestial Opposition Warmog's Armor Knight's Vow Oracle Lens
Ghost Teleport TOP

NM3 Ilyxøu

NM3 Ilyxøu

  • 8/3/6 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 373 Creeps Killed
  • 20,52k Ouro Conquistado
Seeker's Armguard Rabadon's Deathcap Nashor's Tooth Cryptbloom Riftmaker Plated Steelcaps Farsight Alteration
Smite Flash JUNGLE

NM3 Kadir

NM3 Kadir

  • 5/3/12 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 316 Creeps Killed
  • 18,21k Ouro Conquistado
Sorcerer's Shoes Needlessly Large Rod Cryptbloom Zhonya's Hourglass Blackfire Torch Liandry's Torment Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

NM3 Matislaw

NM3 Matislaw

  • 5/2/11 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 358 Creeps Killed
  • 18,33k Ouro Conquistado
Mercury's Treads Trinity Force Hexdrinker Infinity Edge Lord Dominik's Regards Rapid Firecannon Farsight Alteration
Barrier Flash ADC

NM3 Crem

NM3 Crem

  • 3/0/8 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 479 Creeps Killed
  • 20,73k Ouro Conquistado
Boots of Swiftness Infinity Edge Lord Dominik's Regards Bloodthirster Rapid Firecannon The Collector Farsight Alteration
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

NM3 Panj

NM3 Panj

  • 1/5/14 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 42 Creeps Killed
  • 10,96k Ouro Conquistado
Kindlegem Ionian Boots of Lucidity Locket of the Iron Solari Celestial Opposition Warmog's Armor Oracle Lens
Campeão Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências Itens do jogador Creeps Killed Ouro Conquistado
Flash Teleport TOP

OP koprtop

Mercury's Treads Kaenic Rookern Jak'Sho, The Protean Iceborn Gauntlet Randuin's Omen Abyssal Mask Oracle Lens
367 18,07k
Smite Flash JUNGLE

OP Indecision

Cloth Armor Warden's Mail Mercury's Treads Sundered Sky Maw of Malmortius Randuin's Omen Oracle Lens
240 12,94k
Flash Teleport MID

OP XoNix

Sorcerer's Shoes Rabadon's Deathcap Cryptbloom Zhonya's Hourglass Luden's Companion Hextech Alternator Oracle Lens
378 18,14k
Barrier Flash ADC

OP Yakkey

Ionian Boots of Lucidity Spear of Shojin Maw of Malmortius Bloodthirster Rapid Firecannon Essence Reaver Farsight Alteration
517 19,81k
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

OP Shredder

Control Ward Mercury's Treads Celestial Opposition Warmog's Armor Knight's Vow Oracle Lens
46 9,46k
Ouro Conquistado Creeps Killed Itens do jogador Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências Campeão
20,52k 373
Seeker's Armguard Rabadon's Deathcap Nashor's Tooth Cryptbloom Riftmaker Plated Steelcaps Farsight Alteration
Ghost Teleport TOP

NM3 Ilyxøu

18,21k 316
Sorcerer's Shoes Needlessly Large Rod Cryptbloom Zhonya's Hourglass Blackfire Torch Liandry's Torment Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

NM3 Kadir

18,33k 358
Mercury's Treads Trinity Force Hexdrinker Infinity Edge Lord Dominik's Regards Rapid Firecannon Farsight Alteration
Flash Teleport MID

NM3 Matislaw

20,73k 479
Boots of Swiftness Infinity Edge Lord Dominik's Regards Bloodthirster Rapid Firecannon The Collector Farsight Alteration
Barrier Flash ADC

NM3 Crem

10,96k 42
Kindlegem Ionian Boots of Lucidity Locket of the Iron Solari Celestial Opposition Warmog's Armor Oracle Lens
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

NM3 Panj

Distribuição de danos

Distribuição %
TOP 21,61% 26,02%
JUNGLE 5,76% 23,14%
MID 25,84% 24,76%
ADC 41,63% 21,71%
SUPPORT 5,15% 4,37%

Distribuição de ouro

Distribuição %
TOP 23,04% 23,11%
JUNGLE 16,5% 20,52%
MID 23,14% 20,65%
ADC 25,26% 23,36%
SUPPORT 12,07% 12,35%

Minion kills

Distribuição %
TOP 23,71% 23,79%
JUNGLE 15,5% 20,15%
MID 24,42% 22,83%
ADC 33,4% 30,55%
SUPPORT 2,97% 2,68%