LCK Challengers League Spring 2024 Regular Season

Terminado sexta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2024 BO3


Dplus KIA Challengers

DRX Challengers

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Experimente grátis

Dplus KIA Challengers vs DRX Challengers - Jogo 1

DK.C vs DRX.C - LCK Challengers League Spring 2024 Regular Season - 15/01/2024 - Jogo 1 Visão Geral do Jogo

Equipe Ouro 78492
  • Chemtech Drake
  • Chemtech Drake
  • Chemtech Drake
  • Arautos
  • Barão Nashors
  • Inibidores
  • Torres
26:20 41:29
Vencedor DRX Challengers
1º Drake
  • 8
  • 1
  • 1
    Barão Nashors
  • 0
  • Montanha Drake
  • Chemtech Drake
  • Hextech Drake
78343 Equipe Ouro
  • Escolhas
  • Aatrox
  • Neeko
  • Jarvan IV
  • Nautilus
  • Varus
  • Proibições
  • Rumble
  • Kalista
  • Akali
  • Orianna
  • Senna
  • Escolhas
  • K'Sante
  • Rell
  • Hwei
  • Ashe
  • Caitlyn
  • Proibições
  • Udyr
  • Poppy
  • Lucian
  • Xin Zhao
  • Azir
26:20 41:29
Vencedor DRX Challengers
  • Escolhas
  • Aatrox
  • Neeko
  • Jarvan IV
  • Nautilus
  • Varus
  • Proibições
  • Rumble
  • Kalista
  • Akali
  • Orianna
  • Senna
  • Escolhas
  • K'Sante
  • Rell
  • Hwei
  • Ashe
  • Caitlyn
  • Proibições
  • Udyr
  • Poppy
  • Lucian
  • Xin Zhao
  • Azir
  • 78492
    Equipe Ouro
    78343 1º Drake
  • 1
  • 1
    Barão Nashors
  • 0
  • 6
    • Chemtech Drake
    • Chemtech Drake
    • Chemtech Drake
    • Montanha Drake
    • Chemtech Drake
    • Hextech Drake

Estatísticas do jogador

Flash Teleport TOP

DK.C Siwoo

DK.C Siwoo

  • 11/3/4 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 374 Creeps Killed
  • 19,59k Ouro Conquistado
Plated Steelcaps Maw of Malmortius Trinity Force Edge of Night Profane Hydra Voltaic Cyclosword Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

DK.C Sharvel

DK.C Sharvel

  • 6/5/16 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 209 Creeps Killed
  • 14,49k Ouro Conquistado
Control Ward Kaenic Rookern Guardian Angel Frozen Heart Ionian Boots of Lucidity Sundered Sky Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

DK.C Saint

DK.C Saint

  • 5/4/14 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 317 Creeps Killed
  • 16,35k Ouro Conquistado
Needlessly Large Rod Rabadon's Deathcap Cryptbloom Hextech Rocketbelt Ionian Boots of Lucidity Stormsurge Oracle Lens
Heal Flash ADC

DK.C Rahel

DK.C Rahel

  • 2/3/13 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 413 Creeps Killed
  • 18,06k Ouro Conquistado
Muramana Youmuu's Ghostblade Ionian Boots of Lucidity Edge of Night Hubris Opportunity Farsight Alteration
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

DK.C Loopy

DK.C Loopy

  • 2/5/11 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 54 Creeps Killed
  • 10k Ouro Conquistado
Control Ward Mercury's Treads Trailblazer Kindlegem Locket of the Iron Solari Celestial Opposition Oracle Lens
Ghost Teleport TOP

DRX.C Frog

DRX.C Frog

  • 6/2/9 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 340 Creeps Killed
  • 17,16k Ouro Conquistado
Plated Steelcaps Thornmail Trailblazer Sunfire Aegis Iceborn Gauntlet Jak'Sho, The Protean Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

DRX.C Kania

DRX.C Kania

  • 0/6/15 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 164 Creeps Killed
  • 11,55k Ouro Conquistado
Plated Steelcaps Spectre's Cowl Bramble Vest Sunfire Aegis Frozen Heart Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

DRX.C Kyeahoo

DRX.C Kyeahoo

  • 5/10/10 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 278 Creeps Killed
  • 15,89k Ouro Conquistado
Shattered Armguard Malignance Void Staff Ionian Boots of Lucidity Horizon Focus Stormsurge Farsight Alteration
Cleanse Flash ADC

DRX.C Paduck

DRX.C Paduck

  • 7/4/6 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 424 Creeps Killed
  • 21,33k Ouro Conquistado
Berserker's Greaves Rapid Firecannon Guardian Angel Infinity Edge Lord Dominik's Regards Stormrazor Farsight Alteration
Heal Flash SUPPORT

DRX.C Career

DRX.C Career

  • 2/4/14 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 62 Creeps Killed
  • 12,42k Ouro Conquistado
Chempunk Chainsword Serrated Dirk Ionian Boots of Lucidity Umbral Glaive Solstice Sleigh Vigilant Wardstone Oracle Lens
Campeão Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências Itens do jogador Creeps Killed Ouro Conquistado
Flash Teleport TOP

DK.C Siwoo

Plated Steelcaps Maw of Malmortius Trinity Force Edge of Night Profane Hydra Voltaic Cyclosword Oracle Lens
374 19,59k
Smite Flash JUNGLE

DK.C Sharvel

Control Ward Kaenic Rookern Guardian Angel Frozen Heart Ionian Boots of Lucidity Sundered Sky Oracle Lens
209 14,49k
Flash Teleport MID

DK.C Saint

Needlessly Large Rod Rabadon's Deathcap Cryptbloom Hextech Rocketbelt Ionian Boots of Lucidity Stormsurge Oracle Lens
317 16,35k
Heal Flash ADC

DK.C Rahel

Muramana Youmuu's Ghostblade Ionian Boots of Lucidity Edge of Night Hubris Opportunity Farsight Alteration
413 18,06k
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

DK.C Loopy

Control Ward Mercury's Treads Trailblazer Kindlegem Locket of the Iron Solari Celestial Opposition Oracle Lens
54 10k
Ouro Conquistado Creeps Killed Itens do jogador Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências Campeão
17,16k 340
Plated Steelcaps Thornmail Trailblazer Sunfire Aegis Iceborn Gauntlet Jak'Sho, The Protean Oracle Lens
Ghost Teleport TOP

DRX.C Frog

11,55k 164
Plated Steelcaps Spectre's Cowl Bramble Vest Sunfire Aegis Frozen Heart Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

DRX.C Kania

15,89k 278
Shattered Armguard Malignance Void Staff Ionian Boots of Lucidity Horizon Focus Stormsurge Farsight Alteration
Flash Teleport MID

DRX.C Kyeahoo

21,33k 424
Berserker's Greaves Rapid Firecannon Guardian Angel Infinity Edge Lord Dominik's Regards Stormrazor Farsight Alteration
Cleanse Flash ADC

DRX.C Paduck

12,42k 62
Chempunk Chainsword Serrated Dirk Ionian Boots of Lucidity Umbral Glaive Solstice Sleigh Vigilant Wardstone Oracle Lens
Heal Flash SUPPORT

DRX.C Career

Distribuição de danos

Distribuição %
TOP 27,94% 23,5%
JUNGLE 10,42% 5,37%
MID 32,08% 29,65%
ADC 23,79% 33,72%
SUPPORT 5,77% 7,77%

Distribuição de ouro

Distribuição %
TOP 24,96% 21,9%
JUNGLE 18,46% 14,75%
MID 20,83% 20,28%
ADC 23,01% 27,22%
SUPPORT 12,74% 15,85%

Minion kills

Distribuição %
TOP 27,36% 26,81%
JUNGLE 15,29% 12,93%
MID 23,19% 21,92%
ADC 30,21% 33,44%
SUPPORT 3,95% 4,89%