LCS Spring 2024 Regular Season

Terminado domingo, 4 de fevereiro de 2024 BO1


Shopify Rebellion

100 Thieves

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Experimente grátis

Shopify Rebellion vs 100 Thieves - Jogo 1

SR vs 100 - LCS Spring 2024 Regular Season - 20/01/2024 - Jogo 1 Visão Geral do Jogo

Equipe Ouro 47521
  • Arautos
  • Barão Nashors
  • Inibidores
  • Torres
13:23 28:34
Vencedor 100 Thieves
1º Drake
  • 10
  • 2
  • 1
    Barão Nashors
  • 0
  • Ocean Drake
  • Infernal Drake
  • Hextech Drake
  • Hextech Drake
61349 Equipe Ouro
  • Escolhas
  • Brand
  • Ezreal
  • K'Sante
  • Sion
  • Nautilus
  • Proibições
  • Yone
  • Gwen
  • Orianna
  • Varus
  • Azir
  • Escolhas
  • Tahm Kench
  • Lillia
  • Senna
  • Olaf
  • Aatrox
  • Proibições
  • Udyr
  • Kalista
  • Milio
  • Rakan
  • Karma
13:23 28:34
Vencedor 100 Thieves
  • Escolhas
  • Brand
  • Ezreal
  • K'Sante
  • Sion
  • Nautilus
  • Proibições
  • Yone
  • Gwen
  • Orianna
  • Varus
  • Azir
  • Escolhas
  • Tahm Kench
  • Lillia
  • Senna
  • Olaf
  • Aatrox
  • Proibições
  • Udyr
  • Kalista
  • Milio
  • Rakan
  • Karma
  • 47521
    Equipe Ouro
    61349 1º Drake
  • 1
  • 0
    Barão Nashors
  • 0
  • 1
    • Ocean Drake
    • Infernal Drake
    • Hextech Drake
    • Hextech Drake

Estatísticas do jogador

Flash Teleport TOP

SR FakeGod

SR FakeGod

  • 1/5/4 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 207 Creeps Killed
  • 9,03k Ouro Conquistado
Negatron Cloak Control Ward Plated Steelcaps Null-Magic Mantle Thornmail Iceborn Gauntlet Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

SR Bugi

SR Bugi

  • 7/4/4 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 180 Creeps Killed
  • 11,47k Ouro Conquistado
Control Ward Sorcerer's Shoes Amplifying Tome Rylai's Crystal Scepter Cryptbloom Liandry's Torment Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

SR Insanity

SR Insanity

  • 1/6/3 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 154 Creeps Killed
  • 8,03k Ouro Conquistado
Plated Steelcaps Bramble Vest Jak'Sho, The Protean Frozen Heart Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport ADC

SR Bvoy

SR Bvoy

  • 2/3/8 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 238 Creeps Killed
  • 11,7k Ouro Conquistado
Long Sword Muramana Glowing Mote Lord Dominik's Regards Trinity Force Ionian Boots of Lucidity Farsight Alteration
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

SR Zeyzal

SR Zeyzal

  • 2/5/9 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 27 Creeps Killed
  • 7,3k Ouro Conquistado
Control Ward Boots of Swiftness Anathema's Chains Locket of the Iron Solari Solstice Sleigh Oracle Lens
Ghost Flash TOP

100 Sniper

100 Sniper

  • 4/4/8 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 256 Creeps Killed
  • 12,83k Ouro Conquistado
Control Ward Plated Steelcaps Spectre's Cowl Ravenous Hydra Sterak's Gage Experimental Hexplate Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

100 River

100 River

  • 7/3/9 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 256 Creeps Killed
  • 13,73k Ouro Conquistado
Amplifying Tome Zhonya's Hourglass Ionian Boots of Lucidity Liandry's Torment Riftmaker Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

100 Quid

100 Quid

  • 5/2/12 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 239 Creeps Killed
  • 13,53k Ouro Conquistado
Long Sword Control Ward Mercury's Treads Edge of Night Serylda's Grudge Profane Hydra Oracle Lens
Heal Flash ADC

100 Meech

100 Meech

  • 6/1/14 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 45 Creeps Killed
  • 11,28k Ouro Conquistado
Boots of Swiftness Lord Dominik's Regards Serrated Dirk Youmuu's Ghostblade Bloodsong Oracle Lens
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

100 Eyla

100 Eyla

  • 1/3/17 Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências
  • 150 Creeps Killed
  • 9,98k Ouro Conquistado
Chain Vest Control Ward Mercury's Treads Bami's Cinder Kaenic Rookern Iceborn Gauntlet Oracle Lens
Campeão Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências Itens do jogador Creeps Killed Ouro Conquistado
Flash Teleport TOP

SR FakeGod

Negatron Cloak Control Ward Plated Steelcaps Null-Magic Mantle Thornmail Iceborn Gauntlet Oracle Lens
207 9,03k
Smite Flash JUNGLE

SR Bugi

Control Ward Sorcerer's Shoes Amplifying Tome Rylai's Crystal Scepter Cryptbloom Liandry's Torment Oracle Lens
180 11,47k
Flash Teleport MID

SR Insanity

Plated Steelcaps Bramble Vest Jak'Sho, The Protean Frozen Heart Oracle Lens
154 8,03k
Flash Teleport ADC

SR Bvoy

Long Sword Muramana Glowing Mote Lord Dominik's Regards Trinity Force Ionian Boots of Lucidity Farsight Alteration
238 11,7k
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

SR Zeyzal

Control Ward Boots of Swiftness Anathema's Chains Locket of the Iron Solari Solstice Sleigh Oracle Lens
27 7,3k
Ouro Conquistado Creeps Killed Itens do jogador Eliminações/Derrotas/Assistências Campeão
12,83k 256
Control Ward Plated Steelcaps Spectre's Cowl Ravenous Hydra Sterak's Gage Experimental Hexplate Oracle Lens
Ghost Flash TOP

100 Sniper

13,73k 256
Amplifying Tome Zhonya's Hourglass Ionian Boots of Lucidity Liandry's Torment Riftmaker Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

100 River

13,53k 239
Long Sword Control Ward Mercury's Treads Edge of Night Serylda's Grudge Profane Hydra Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

100 Quid

11,28k 45
Boots of Swiftness Lord Dominik's Regards Serrated Dirk Youmuu's Ghostblade Bloodsong Oracle Lens
Heal Flash ADC

100 Meech

9,98k 150
Chain Vest Control Ward Mercury's Treads Bami's Cinder Kaenic Rookern Iceborn Gauntlet Oracle Lens
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

100 Eyla

Distribuição de danos

Distribuição %
SR 100
TOP 13,25% 14,36%
JUNGLE 30,73% 21,15%
MID 14,54% 24,98%
ADC 33,23% 29,97%
SUPPORT 8,24% 9,53%

Distribuição de ouro

Distribuição %
SR 100
TOP 18,99% 20,92%
JUNGLE 24,14% 22,38%
MID 16,89% 22,06%
ADC 24,62% 18,38%
SUPPORT 15,35% 16,26%

Minion kills

Distribuição %
SR 100
TOP 25,68% 27,06%
JUNGLE 22,33% 27,06%
MID 19,11% 25,26%
ADC 29,53% 4,76%
SUPPORT 3,35% 15,86%