LCK Challengers League Spring 2024 Regular Season

Finished Friday, March 15, 2024 BO3


T1 Academy

Nongshim Esports Academy

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Nongshim Esports Academy vs T1 Academy - Game 1

NS.EA vs T1.A - LCK Challengers League Spring 2024 Regular Season - 1/15/24 - Game 1 Game Overview

Team Gold 69273
  • Mountain Drake
  • Ocean Drake
  • Ocean Drake
  • Ocean Drake
  • 1st Heralds
  • 1st Baron Nashors
  • 1st Inhibitors
  • 1st Towers
1st drake
Winner Nongshim Esports Academy
13:5 33:53
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
    Baron Nashors
  • 0
  • Chemtech Drake
53409 Team Gold
  • Picks
  • Ahri
  • Rakan
  • Aatrox
  • Nocturne
  • Kai'Sa
  • Bans
  • Ashe
  • Kalista
  • Varus
  • Smolder
  • Senna
  • Picks
  • Tristana 1st
  • Janna
  • Xayah
  • Maokai
  • Rumble
  • Bans
  • Nautilus
  • Vi
  • Rell
  • Zeri
  • K'Sante
Winner Nongshim Esports Academy
13:5 33:53
  • Picks
  • Ahri
  • Rakan
  • Aatrox
  • Nocturne
  • Kai'Sa
  • Bans
  • Ashe
  • Kalista
  • Varus
  • Smolder
  • Senna
  • Picks
  • Tristana 1st
  • Janna
  • Xayah
  • Maokai
  • Rumble
  • Bans
  • Nautilus
  • Vi
  • Rell
  • Zeri
  • K'Sante
  • 1st drake 69273
    Team Gold
  • 1st 1
  • 1st 2
    Baron Nashors
  • 1st 2
  • 1st 10
    • Mountain Drake
    • Ocean Drake
    • Ocean Drake
    • Ocean Drake
    • Chemtech Drake

Player stats

Flash Teleport TOP

NS.EA Mihile

NS.EA Mihile

  • 4/1/4 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 345 Creeps Killed
  • 16.85k Gold Earned
Mercury's Treads Maw of Malmortius Edge of Night Voltaic Cyclosword Profane Hydra Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

NS.EA Sounda

NS.EA Sounda

  • 3/2/5 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 230 Creeps Killed
  • 12.83k Gold Earned
Mercury's Treads Bramble Vest Knight's Vow Frozen Heart Stridebreaker Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

NS.EA Calix

NS.EA Calix

  • 4/0/2 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 294 Creeps Killed
  • 13.61k Gold Earned
Mejai's Soulstealer Zhonya's Hourglass Ionian Boots of Lucidity Horizon Focus Blighting Jewel Malignance Oracle Lens
Heal Flash ADC

NS.EA Vital

NS.EA Vital

  • 2/0/4 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 406 Creeps Killed
  • 16.91k Gold Earned
Sorcerer's Shoes Nashor's Tooth Cryptbloom Shattered Armguard Statikk Shiv Guinsoo's Rageblade Farsight Alteration
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

NS.EA Luon

NS.EA Luon

  • 0/2/8 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 39 Creeps Killed
  • 9.07k Gold Earned
Ruby Crystal Mercury's Treads Knight's Vow Mikael's Blessing Solstice Sleigh Oracle Lens
Ignite Flash TOP

T1.A Dal

T1.A Dal

  • 3/4/0 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 231 Creeps Killed
  • 10.66k Gold Earned
Control Ward Boots of Swiftness Amplifying Tome Void Staff Morellonomicon Liandry's Torment Farsight Alteration
Smite Flash JUNGLE

T1.A Guwon

T1.A Guwon

  • 0/4/4 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 144 Creeps Killed
  • 8.55k Gold Earned
Giant's Belt Plated Steelcaps Kindlegem Knight's Vow Locket of the Iron Solari Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

T1.A Poby

T1.A Poby

  • 2/1/1 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 350 Creeps Killed
  • 13.32k Gold Earned
Cloak of Agility Mercury's Treads Last Whisper Maw of Malmortius Kraken Slayer Navori Quickblades Farsight Alteration
Ghost Flash ADC

T1.A Smash

T1.A Smash

  • 0/2/2 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 378 Creeps Killed
  • 13.54k Gold Earned
Pickaxe Berserker's Greaves Bloodthirster Hexdrinker Kraken Slayer Navori Quickblades Farsight Alteration
Heal Flash SUPPORT

T1.A Rekkles

T1.A Rekkles

  • 0/2/2 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 57 Creeps Killed
  • 7.33k Gold Earned
Control Ward Boots of Swiftness Aether Wisp Zaz'Zak's Realmspike Imperial Mandate Bandleglass Mirror Oracle Lens
Champion Kills/Deaths/Assists Player Items Creeps Killed Gold Earned
Flash Teleport TOP

NS.EA Mihile

Mercury's Treads Maw of Malmortius Edge of Night Voltaic Cyclosword Profane Hydra Oracle Lens
345 16.85k
Smite Flash JUNGLE

NS.EA Sounda

Mercury's Treads Bramble Vest Knight's Vow Frozen Heart Stridebreaker Oracle Lens
230 12.83k
Flash Teleport MID

NS.EA Calix

Mejai's Soulstealer Zhonya's Hourglass Ionian Boots of Lucidity Horizon Focus Blighting Jewel Malignance Oracle Lens
294 13.61k
Heal Flash ADC

NS.EA Vital

Sorcerer's Shoes Nashor's Tooth Cryptbloom Shattered Armguard Statikk Shiv Guinsoo's Rageblade Farsight Alteration
406 16.91k
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

NS.EA Luon

Ruby Crystal Mercury's Treads Knight's Vow Mikael's Blessing Solstice Sleigh Oracle Lens
39 9.07k
Gold Earned Creeps Killed Player Items Kills/Deaths/Assists Champion
10.66k 231
Control Ward Boots of Swiftness Amplifying Tome Void Staff Morellonomicon Liandry's Torment Farsight Alteration
Ignite Flash TOP

T1.A Dal

8.55k 144
Giant's Belt Plated Steelcaps Kindlegem Knight's Vow Locket of the Iron Solari Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

T1.A Guwon

13.32k 350
Cloak of Agility Mercury's Treads Last Whisper Maw of Malmortius Kraken Slayer Navori Quickblades Farsight Alteration
Flash Teleport MID

T1.A Poby

13.54k 378
Pickaxe Berserker's Greaves Bloodthirster Hexdrinker Kraken Slayer Navori Quickblades Farsight Alteration
Ghost Flash ADC

T1.A Smash

7.33k 57
Control Ward Boots of Swiftness Aether Wisp Zaz'Zak's Realmspike Imperial Mandate Bandleglass Mirror Oracle Lens
Heal Flash SUPPORT

T1.A Rekkles

Damage distribution

Distribution %
TOP 23.79% 29.35%
JUNGLE 9.98% 9.28%
MID 24.09% 22.96%
ADC 37.3% 29.07%
SUPPORT 4.83% 9.35%

Gold distribution

Distribution %
TOP 24.33% 19.96%
JUNGLE 18.52% 16.02%
MID 19.65% 24.95%
ADC 24.41% 25.36%
SUPPORT 13.1% 13.72%

Minion kills

Distribution %
TOP 26.26% 19.91%
JUNGLE 17.5% 12.41%
MID 22.37% 30.17%
ADC 30.9% 32.59%
SUPPORT 2.97% 4.91%