LDL Split 3 2024 Group A

Finished Saturday, June 22, 2024 BO3


Joy Dream

Invictus Gaming Young

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Joy Dream vs Invictus Gaming Young - team stats comparison - June 22, 2024 8:00 AM

Current tournament / split

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Win Rate % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
Record 0W - 0L 0W - 0L
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Win Rate % 40% 60%
Games 5 5
Record 2W - 3L 3W - 2L
Blue side 33% 50%
Red side 50% 67%

Current tournament / split

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
First Blood % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
First Blood 0 0
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
First Blood % 40% 60%
Games 5 5
First Blood 2 3
Blue side 33% 50%
Red side 50% 67%

Current tournament / split

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
First Tower % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
First Tower 0 0
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
First Tower % 0% 100%
Games 5 5
First Tower 0 5
Blue side 0% 100%
Red side 0% 100%

Current tournament / split

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
First Dragon % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
First Dragon 0 0
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
First Dragon % 60% 40%
Games 5 5
First Dragon 3 2
Blue side 67% 50%
Red side 50% 33%

Current tournament / split

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
First Nashor % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
First Nashor 0 0
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
First Nashor % 20% 80%
Games 5 5
First Nashor 1 4
Blue side 0% 50%
Red side 50% 100%

Current tournament / split

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
First Inhibitor % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
First Inhibitor 0 0
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
First Inhibitor % 40% 60%
Games 5 5
First Inhibitor 2 3
Blue side 33% 50%
Red side 50% 67%

Current tournament / split

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
First Herald % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
First Herald 0 0
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
First Herald % 40% 60%
Games 5 5
First Herald 2 3
Blue side 67% 100%
Red side 0% 33%

Current tournament / split

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Games 0 0
Avg Kills 0 0
Max Kills 0 0
Min Kills 0 0
Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Games 5 5
Avg Kills 23 23
Max Kills 27 27
Min Kills 20 19

Current tournament / split

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Games 0 0
Avg Towers 0 0
Max Towers 0 0
Min Towers 0 0
Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Games 5 5
Avg Towers 12 12
Max Towers 17 17
Min Towers 10 10

Current tournament / split

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Games 0 0
Avg Dragons 0 0
Max Dragons 0 0
Min Dragons 0 0
Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Games 5 5
Avg Dragons 5 5
Max Dragons 6 6
Min Dragons 4 4

Current tournament / split

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Games 0 0
Avg Nashors 0 0
Max Nashors 0 0
Min Nashors 0 0
Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Games 5 5
Avg Nashors 2 2
Max Nashors 3 3
Min Nashors 1 1

Current tournament / split

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Games 0 0
Avg Inhibitors 0 0
Max Inhibitors 0 0
Min Inhibitors 0 0
Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Games 5 5
Avg Inhibitors 2 2
Max Inhibitors 3 3
Min Inhibitors 1 1

Current tournament / split

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Games 0 0
Avg GT 0:00 0:00
Max GT 0:00 0:00
Min GT 0:00 0:00
Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Games 5 5
Avg GT 33:02 33:02
Max GT 38:10 38:10
Min GT 26:37 26:37

JDM vs IGY - Win Rate

Current tournament / split

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Win Rate % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
Record 0W - 0L 0W - 0L
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Win Rate % 40% 60%
Games 5 5
Record 2W - 3L 3W - 2L
Blue side 33% 50%
Red side 50% 67%

Joy Dream vs Invictus Gaming Young - team stats overview according to last tournaments

Team Stats Overview

according to last tournament / split

Winrate %

0% Joy Dream

0% Invictus Gaming Young

First Drake %

0% Joy Dream

0% Invictus Gaming Young

Damage distribution

Top 5 Picks / Bans





Top 5 Picks

Top 5 Bans

Top 5 Bans Against

First tower %

0% Joy Dream

0% Invictus Gaming Young

First blood %

0% Joy Dream

0% Invictus Gaming Young

First nashor %

0% Joy Dream

0% Invictus Gaming Young

Drake Control %

0% Joy Dream

0% Invictus Gaming Young

Nashor Control %

0% Joy Dream

0% Invictus Gaming Young

Herald Control %

0% Joy Dream

0% Invictus Gaming Young

avg wards placed

0 Joy Dream

0 Invictus Gaming Young

avg towers

0 Joy Dream

0 Invictus Gaming Young

avg cs

0 Joy Dream

0 Invictus Gaming Young

LDL Split 3 2024

About a Match Joy Dream JDM vs Invictus Gaming Young IGY - 6/22/24

Joy Dream and Invictus Gaming Young will play their next match on June 22, 2024 8:00 AM at the LDL Split 3 2024 League of Legends Tournament

  • JDM has winrate 40% in the previous 5 matches, and IGY is 80%.
  • Previously in current tournament before this match team JDM had won over team IGY 1 time and 3 times lose, while Invictus Gaming Young had 3 victories and 1 lose over Joy Dream.
  • JDM current streak is 2 loses and IGY 1 lose.
  • Team JDM will be represented by Dorian, Maggie, redwall, Lzq, z1n, Guoba, Reason1, grieve, Hran, and Team IGY is by Tyrion, Liweier, Jerry, Hoshisora, Rbow, Cute, Ninefog, Mentality.

Joy Dream vs Invictus Gaming Young - current rosters

Joy Dream Invictus Gaming Young
Si-Yuan Chen
Yu Zhao
Ye Guo-Wei
Lan Zi-Qi
Han Chang-An
Qing-Shang Guo
Tu Hui-Jie
Ma Xue-Hao
Jun-bin Peng
Xiang Fu-Le
Kexue Zhou
Yu-Chen Liu
Zheng Kang
Xia Yu-Lin
Ni Hao-Jie
Guan-Zhen Wei