CBLOL Academy Split 2 2024 Regular Season

Finished Monday, July 15, 2024 BO1


INTZ Academy

RED Academy

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INTZ Academy vs RED Academy - Game 1

ITZ.A vs RED.A - CBLOL Academy Split 2 2024 Regular Season - 6/3/24 - Game 1 Game Overview

Team Gold 32798
  • Heralds
  • Baron Nashors
  • Inhibitors
  • Towers
4:22 20:56
Winner RED Academy
1st drake
  • 10
    1st Towers
  • 2
    1st Inhibitors
  • 0
    Baron Nashors
  • 1
    1st Heralds
  • Infernal Drake
46151 Team Gold
  • Picks
  • Corki
  • Nidalee
  • Ziggs
  • K'Sante
  • Nautilus
  • Bans
  • Jax
  • Rumble
  • Maokai
  • Kennen
  • Renekton
  • Picks
  • Leona
  • Ivern
  • Yone 1st
  • Gwen
  • Ezreal
  • Bans
  • Kai'Sa
  • Zyra
  • Sejuani
  • Illaoi
  • Tryndamere
4:22 20:56
Winner RED Academy
  • Picks
  • Corki
  • Nidalee
  • Ziggs
  • K'Sante
  • Nautilus
  • Bans
  • Jax
  • Rumble
  • Maokai
  • Kennen
  • Renekton
  • Picks
  • Leona
  • Ivern
  • Yone 1st
  • Gwen
  • Ezreal
  • Bans
  • Kai'Sa
  • Zyra
  • Sejuani
  • Illaoi
  • Tryndamere
  • 32798
    Team Gold
    46151 1st drake
  • 0
    1 1st
  • 0
    Baron Nashors
  • 0
    2 1st
  • 2
    10 1st
    • Infernal Drake

Player stats

Ghost Teleport TOP

ITZ.A Lellis

ITZ.A Lellis

  • 1/5/2 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 123 Creeps Killed
  • 6.29k Gold Earned
Giant's Belt Refillable Potion Bramble Vest Plated Steelcaps Hollow Radiance Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

ITZ.A Dizin

ITZ.A Dizin

  • 3/4/0 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 120 Creeps Killed
  • 7.31k Gold Earned
Control Ward Sorcerer's Shoes Fiendish Codex Hextech Alternator Liandry's Torment Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

ITZ.A Namiru

ITZ.A Namiru

  • 0/2/2 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 230 Creeps Killed
  • 8.67k Gold Earned
Control Ward Muramana Trinity Force Plated Steelcaps Farsight Alteration
Flash Teleport ADC

ITZ.A Rosa

ITZ.A Rosa

  • 0/5/1 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 146 Creeps Killed
  • 6.2k Gold Earned
Doran's Ring Amplifying Tome Ionian Boots of Lucidity Seraph's Embrace Hextech Alternator Stealth Ward
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

ITZ.A Sthe

ITZ.A Sthe

  • 0/6/1 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 21 Creeps Killed
  • 4.33k Gold Earned
Boots Giant's Belt Winged Moonplate Crystalline Bracer Celestial Opposition Oracle Lens
Ghost Teleport TOP

RED.A zynts

RED.A zynts

  • 3/2/7 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 182 Creeps Killed
  • 9.56k Gold Earned
Nashor's Tooth Riftmaker Fiendish Codex Plated Steelcaps Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

RED.A doom

RED.A doom

  • 0/1/17 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 97 Creeps Killed
  • 7.26k Gold Earned
Redemption Forbidden Idol Dark Seal Kindlegem Ionian Boots of Lucidity Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

RED.A Peco

RED.A Peco

  • 7/0/2 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 227 Creeps Killed
  • 11.53k Gold Earned
Berserker's Greaves Blade of The Ruined King Immortal Shieldbow Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport ADC

RED.A Rabelo

RED.A Rabelo

  • 10/0/6 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 204 Creeps Killed
  • 10.99k Gold Earned
Long Sword B. F. Sword Muramana Doran's Blade Trinity Force Ionian Boots of Lucidity Farsight Alteration
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

RED.A uZent

RED.A uZent

  • 2/1/15 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 32 Creeps Killed
  • 6.8k Gold Earned
Cloth Armor Control Ward Mercury's Treads Kindlegem Bloodsong Warmog's Armor Oracle Lens
Champion Kills/Deaths/Assists Player Items Creeps Killed Gold Earned
Ghost Teleport TOP

ITZ.A Lellis

Giant's Belt Refillable Potion Bramble Vest Plated Steelcaps Hollow Radiance Oracle Lens
123 6.29k
Smite Flash JUNGLE

ITZ.A Dizin

Control Ward Sorcerer's Shoes Fiendish Codex Hextech Alternator Liandry's Torment Oracle Lens
120 7.31k
Flash Teleport MID

ITZ.A Namiru

Control Ward Muramana Trinity Force Plated Steelcaps Farsight Alteration
230 8.67k
Flash Teleport ADC

ITZ.A Rosa

Doran's Ring Amplifying Tome Ionian Boots of Lucidity Seraph's Embrace Hextech Alternator Stealth Ward
146 6.2k
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

ITZ.A Sthe

Boots Giant's Belt Winged Moonplate Crystalline Bracer Celestial Opposition Oracle Lens
21 4.33k
Gold Earned Creeps Killed Player Items Kills/Deaths/Assists Champion
9.56k 182
Nashor's Tooth Riftmaker Fiendish Codex Plated Steelcaps Oracle Lens
Ghost Teleport TOP

RED.A zynts

7.26k 97
Redemption Forbidden Idol Dark Seal Kindlegem Ionian Boots of Lucidity Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

RED.A doom

11.53k 227
Berserker's Greaves Blade of The Ruined King Immortal Shieldbow Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

RED.A Peco

10.99k 204
Long Sword B. F. Sword Muramana Doran's Blade Trinity Force Ionian Boots of Lucidity Farsight Alteration
Flash Teleport ADC

RED.A Rabelo

6.8k 32
Cloth Armor Control Ward Mercury's Treads Kindlegem Bloodsong Warmog's Armor Oracle Lens
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

RED.A uZent

Damage distribution

Distribution %
TOP 17.08% 26.5%
JUNGLE 23.71% 8.13%
MID 26.49% 21.18%
ADC 26.93% 33.23%
SUPPORT 5.79% 10.96%

Gold distribution

Distribution %
TOP 19.17% 20.71%
JUNGLE 22.28% 15.74%
MID 26.44% 24.99%
ADC 18.91% 23.82%
SUPPORT 13.19% 14.74%

Minion kills

Distribution %
TOP 19.22% 24.53%
JUNGLE 18.75% 13.07%
MID 35.94% 30.59%
ADC 22.81% 27.49%
SUPPORT 3.28% 4.31%