LCS Summer 2024 Regular Season

Finished Thursday, June 27, 2024 BO3



NRG Esports

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Immortals vs NRG Esports - Game 1

IMT vs NRG - LCS Summer 2024 Regular Season - 6/14/24 - Game 1 Game Overview

Team Gold 55369
  • Chemtech Drake
  • 1st Heralds
  • Baron Nashors
  • Inhibitors
  • Towers
4:17 34:30
Winner NRG Esports
1st drake
  • 11
    1st Towers
  • 2
    1st Inhibitors
  • 2
    1st Baron Nashors
  • 0
  • Cloud Drake
  • Chemtech Drake
  • Chemtech Drake
  • Hextech Drake
68814 Team Gold
  • Picks
  • Zyra
  • Leona
  • Renekton
  • Corki
  • Ezreal
  • Bans
  • Yone
  • Tristana
  • Twisted Fate
  • Azir
  • Senna
  • Picks
  • Sejuani
  • Kalista
  • Aurelion Sol
  • Jax 1st
  • Ashe
  • Bans
  • Rumble
  • Taliyah
  • Maokai
  • Skarner
  • Ivern
4:17 34:30
Winner NRG Esports
  • Picks
  • Zyra
  • Leona
  • Renekton
  • Corki
  • Ezreal
  • Bans
  • Yone
  • Tristana
  • Twisted Fate
  • Azir
  • Senna
  • Picks
  • Sejuani
  • Kalista
  • Aurelion Sol
  • Jax 1st
  • Ashe
  • Bans
  • Rumble
  • Taliyah
  • Maokai
  • Skarner
  • Ivern
  • 55369
    Team Gold
    68814 1st drake
  • 1st 1
  • 0
    Baron Nashors
    2 1st
  • 0
    2 1st
  • 2
    11 1st
    • Chemtech Drake
    • Cloud Drake
    • Chemtech Drake
    • Chemtech Drake
    • Hextech Drake

Player stats

Flash Teleport TOP

IMT Castle

IMT Castle

  • 2/4/0 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 263 Creeps Killed
  • 11.49k Gold Earned
Control Ward Mercury's Treads Doran's Blade Black Cleaver Steel Sigil Sterak's Gage Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

IMT Armao

IMT Armao

  • 1/4/1 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 221 Creeps Killed
  • 10.56k Gold Earned
Sorcerer's Shoes Rylai's Crystal Scepter Cryptbloom Liandry's Torment Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

IMT Mask

IMT Mask

  • 1/2/1 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 347 Creeps Killed
  • 13.44k Gold Earned
B. F. Sword Mercury's Treads Vampiric Scepter Muramana Trinity Force Rapid Firecannon Farsight Alteration
Cleanse Flash ADC

IMT Tactical

IMT Tactical

  • 0/2/2 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 335 Creeps Killed
  • 12.78k Gold Earned
Muramana Doran's Blade Trinity Force Ionian Boots of Lucidity Bloodthirster Farsight Alteration
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

IMT Olleh

IMT Olleh

  • 0/5/2 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 47 Creeps Killed
  • 7.1k Gold Earned
Control Ward Mercury's Treads Bramble Vest Bloodsong Warmog's Armor Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport TOP

NRG Dhokla

NRG Dhokla

  • 6/1/4 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 358 Creeps Killed
  • 17.15k Gold Earned
Mercury's Treads Ravenous Hydra Trinity Force Spear of Shojin Sterak's Gage Stealth Ward
Smite Flash JUNGLE

NRG Contractz

NRG Contractz

  • 1/2/11 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 201 Creeps Killed
  • 11.29k Gold Earned
Giant's Belt Mercury's Treads Bramble Vest Zeke's Convergence Warmog's Armor Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

NRG Palafox

NRG Palafox

  • 4/1/10 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 299 Creeps Killed
  • 14.31k Gold Earned
Sorcerer's Shoes Doran's Ring Needlessly Large Rod Rylai's Crystal Scepter Cryptbloom Liandry's Torment Farsight Alteration
Cleanse Flash ADC



  • 5/0/7 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 344 Creeps Killed
  • 16.12k Gold Earned
Doran's Blade Youmuu's Ghostblade Serylda's Grudge Opportunity Edge of Night Plated Steelcaps Farsight Alteration
Heal Flash SUPPORT

NRG huhi

NRG huhi

  • 1/0/11 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 78 Creeps Killed
  • 9.94k Gold Earned
Long Sword Ionian Boots of Lucidity Umbral Glaive Bloodsong Edge of Night Oracle Lens
Champion Kills/Deaths/Assists Player Items Creeps Killed Gold Earned
Flash Teleport TOP

IMT Castle

Control Ward Mercury's Treads Doran's Blade Black Cleaver Steel Sigil Sterak's Gage Oracle Lens
263 11.49k
Smite Flash JUNGLE

IMT Armao

Sorcerer's Shoes Rylai's Crystal Scepter Cryptbloom Liandry's Torment Oracle Lens
221 10.56k
Flash Teleport MID

IMT Mask

B. F. Sword Mercury's Treads Vampiric Scepter Muramana Trinity Force Rapid Firecannon Farsight Alteration
347 13.44k
Cleanse Flash ADC

IMT Tactical

Muramana Doran's Blade Trinity Force Ionian Boots of Lucidity Bloodthirster Farsight Alteration
335 12.78k
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

IMT Olleh

Control Ward Mercury's Treads Bramble Vest Bloodsong Warmog's Armor Oracle Lens
47 7.1k
Gold Earned Creeps Killed Player Items Kills/Deaths/Assists Champion
17.15k 358
Mercury's Treads Ravenous Hydra Trinity Force Spear of Shojin Sterak's Gage Stealth Ward
Flash Teleport TOP

NRG Dhokla

11.29k 201
Giant's Belt Mercury's Treads Bramble Vest Zeke's Convergence Warmog's Armor Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

NRG Contractz

14.31k 299
Sorcerer's Shoes Doran's Ring Needlessly Large Rod Rylai's Crystal Scepter Cryptbloom Liandry's Torment Farsight Alteration
Flash Teleport MID

NRG Palafox

16.12k 344
Doran's Blade Youmuu's Ghostblade Serylda's Grudge Opportunity Edge of Night Plated Steelcaps Farsight Alteration
Cleanse Flash ADC


9.94k 78
Long Sword Ionian Boots of Lucidity Umbral Glaive Bloodsong Edge of Night Oracle Lens
Heal Flash SUPPORT

NRG huhi

Damage distribution

Distribution %
TOP 15.7% 16%
JUNGLE 28.6% 14.41%
MID 28.95% 36.17%
ADC 21.88% 18.92%
SUPPORT 4.87% 14.49%

Gold distribution

Distribution %
TOP 20.75% 24.93%
JUNGLE 19.08% 16.41%
MID 24.28% 20.8%
ADC 23.08% 23.42%
SUPPORT 12.82% 14.44%

Minion kills

Distribution %
TOP 21.68% 27.97%
JUNGLE 18.22% 15.7%
MID 28.61% 23.36%
ADC 27.62% 26.88%
SUPPORT 3.87% 6.09%