NEST 2023 Playoffs

Finished Saturday, December 2, 2023 BO3


FunPlus Phoenix

Oh My God

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FunPlus Phoenix vs Oh My God - team stats comparison - December 2, 2023 7:45 AM

Current tournament / split

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Win Rate % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
Record 0W - 0L 0W - 0L
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Win Rate % 80% 40%
Games 5 5
Record 4W - 1L 2W - 3L
Blue side 100% 50%
Red side 67% 33%

Current tournament / split

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
First Blood % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
First Blood 0 0
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
First Blood % 60% 40%
Games 5 5
First Blood 3 2
Blue side 0% 100%
Red side 100% 0%

Current tournament / split

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
First Tower % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
First Tower 0 0
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
First Tower % 40% 20%
Games 5 5
First Tower 2 1
Blue side 0% 50%
Red side 67% 0%

Current tournament / split

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
First Dragon % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
First Dragon 0 0
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
First Dragon % 80% 80%
Games 5 5
First Dragon 4 4
Blue side 50% 50%
Red side 100% 100%

Current tournament / split

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
First Nashor % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
First Nashor 0 0
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
First Nashor % 60% 60%
Games 5 5
First Nashor 3 3
Blue side 50% 50%
Red side 67% 67%

Current tournament / split

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
First Inhibitor % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
First Inhibitor 0 0
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
First Inhibitor % 60% 40%
Games 5 5
First Inhibitor 3 2
Blue side 50% 50%
Red side 67% 33%

Current tournament / split

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
First Herald % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
First Herald 0 0
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
First Herald % 80% 20%
Games 5 5
First Herald 4 1
Blue side 50% 50%
Red side 100% 0%

Current tournament / split

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Games 0 0
Avg Kills 0 0
Max Kills 0 0
Min Kills 0 0
FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Games 5 5
Avg Kills 36 28
Max Kills 47 40
Min Kills 25 18

Current tournament / split

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Games 0 0
Avg Towers 0 0
Max Towers 0 0
Min Towers 0 0
FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Games 5 5
Avg Towers 14 13
Max Towers 18 15
Min Towers 12 12

Current tournament / split

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Games 0 0
Avg Dragons 0 0
Max Dragons 0 0
Min Dragons 0 0
FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Games 5 5
Avg Dragons 5 4
Max Dragons 7 5
Min Dragons 4 4

Current tournament / split

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Games 0 0
Avg Nashors 0 0
Max Nashors 0 0
Min Nashors 0 0
FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Games 5 5
Avg Nashors 2 1
Max Nashors 3 2
Min Nashors 1 1

Current tournament / split

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Games 0 0
Avg Inhibitors 0 0
Max Inhibitors 0 0
Min Inhibitors 0 0
FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Games 5 5
Avg Inhibitors 3 2
Max Inhibitors 4 3
Min Inhibitors 2 1

Current tournament / split

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Games 0 0
Avg GT 0:00 0:00
Max GT 0:00 0:00
Min GT 0:00 0:00
FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Games 5 5
Avg GT 37:06 32:07
Max GT 42:34 38:08
Min GT 26:44 30:04

FPX vs OMG - Win Rate

Current tournament / split

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Win Rate % 0% 0%
Games 0 0
Record 0W - 0L 0W - 0L
Blue side 0% 0%
Red side 0% 0%
FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Win Rate % 80% 40%
Games 5 5
Record 4W - 1L 2W - 3L
Blue side 100% 50%
Red side 67% 33%

FunPlus Phoenix vs Oh My God - team stats overview according to last tournaments

Team Stats Overview

according to last tournament / split

Winrate %

0% FunPlus Phoenix

0% Oh My God

First Drake %

0% FunPlus Phoenix

0% Oh My God

Damage distribution

Top 5 Picks / Bans





Top 5 Picks

Top 5 Bans

Top 5 Bans Against

First tower %

0% FunPlus Phoenix

0% Oh My God

First blood %

0% FunPlus Phoenix

0% Oh My God

First nashor %

0% FunPlus Phoenix

0% Oh My God

Drake Control %

0% FunPlus Phoenix

0% Oh My God

Nashor Control %

0% FunPlus Phoenix

0% Oh My God

Herald Control %

0% FunPlus Phoenix

0% Oh My God

avg wards placed

0 FunPlus Phoenix

0 Oh My God

avg towers

0 FunPlus Phoenix

0 Oh My God

avg cs

0 FunPlus Phoenix

0 Oh My God

NEST 2023

About a Match FunPlus Phoenix FPX vs Oh My God OMG - 12/2/23

FunPlus Phoenix and Oh My God will play their next match on December 2, 2023 7:45 AM at the NEST 2023 League of Legends Tournament

  • FPX has winrate 60% in the previous 5 matches, and OMG is 80%.
  • Previously in current tournament before this match team FPX had won over team OMG 1 time and 3 times lose, while Oh My God had 3 victories and 1 lose over FunPlus Phoenix.
  • FPX current streak is 3 wins and OMG 1 lose.
  • Team FPX will be represented by deokdam, moyan, Care, Insulator, TheNiu, milkyway, Life, Zdz, and Team OMG is by Linfeng, ppgod, Angel, xiaofang, Starry, Hery, Tianzhen.

FunPlus Phoenix vs Oh My God - current rosters

FunPlus Phoenix Oh My God
Seo Dae-gil
Xin Wang
Jie Yang
Zhiwei Ye
Zhao Yongzhuo
Cai Zi-Jun
Jeongmin Kim
Dezhang Zhu
Qin Jia-Hao
Peng Guo
Tao Xiang
Fang Zhe-Yu
Mang Lei
Heyong Wang
Qifan Guo