EBL Summer 2024 Regular Season

Finished Sunday, June 2, 2024 BO1


Cyber Wolves

SPIKE Syndicate

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Cyber Wolves vs SPIKE Syndicate - Game 1

CWE vs SPI - EBL Summer 2024 Regular Season - 5/23/24 - Game 1 Game Overview

Team Gold 44708
  • Mountain Drake
  • Ocean Drake
  • Heralds
  • Baron Nashors
  • Inhibitors
  • Towers
6:18 28:21
Winner SPIKE Syndicate
1st drake
  • 10
    1st Towers
  • 1
    1st Inhibitors
  • 1
    1st Baron Nashors
  • 1
    1st Heralds
  • Cloud Drake
  • Mountain Drake
56578 Team Gold
  • Picks
  • Jhin
  • Karthus
  • Camille
  • Tristana
  • Rell
  • Bans
  • Kindred
  • Jax
  • Brand
  • Hwei
  • Darius
  • Picks
  • Volibear
  • Aphelios
  • Syndra
  • Nautilus 1st
  • Viego
  • Bans
  • Rumble
  • Taliyah
  • Ornn
  • K'Sante
  • Jinx
6:18 28:21
Winner SPIKE Syndicate
  • Picks
  • Jhin
  • Karthus
  • Camille
  • Tristana
  • Rell
  • Bans
  • Kindred
  • Jax
  • Brand
  • Hwei
  • Darius
  • Picks
  • Volibear
  • Aphelios
  • Syndra
  • Nautilus 1st
  • Viego
  • Bans
  • Rumble
  • Taliyah
  • Ornn
  • K'Sante
  • Jinx
  • 44708
    Team Gold
    56578 1st drake
  • 0
    1 1st
  • 0
    Baron Nashors
    1 1st
  • 0
    1 1st
  • 2
    10 1st
    • Mountain Drake
    • Ocean Drake
    • Cloud Drake
    • Mountain Drake

Player stats

Ignite Teleport TOP

CWE Bala

CWE Bala

  • 1/3/2 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 187 Creeps Killed
  • 8.44k Gold Earned
Mercury's Treads Ravenous Hydra Trinity Force Farsight Alteration
Smite Flash JUNGLE

CWE Paresz

CWE Paresz

  • 1/4/4 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 198 Creeps Killed
  • 9.97k Gold Earned
Sorcerer's Shoes Dark Seal Fiendish Codex Blackfire Torch Liandry's Torment Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

CWE Robenong

CWE Robenong

  • 1/5/0 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 236 Creeps Killed
  • 10.09k Gold Earned
Long Sword Mercury's Treads Vampiric Scepter Doran's Blade Infinity Edge Navori Flickerblade Farsight Alteration
Heal Flash ADC

CWE Baki

CWE Baki

  • 3/2/1 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 237 Creeps Killed
  • 10.29k Gold Earned
Cloak of Agility Boots of Swiftness Last Whisper Doran's Blade Infinity Edge The Collector Farsight Alteration
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

CWE Tochas

CWE Tochas

  • 0/4/3 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 22 Creeps Killed
  • 5.92k Gold Earned
Cloth Armor Control Ward Kindlegem Ionian Boots of Lucidity Locket of the Iron Solari Celestial Opposition Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport TOP

SPI Hasagi

SPI Hasagi

  • 1/2/8 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 223 Creeps Killed
  • 11.13k Gold Earned
Doran's Ring Rod of Ages Sterak's Gage Plated Steelcaps Navori Flickerblade Farsight Alteration
Smite Flash JUNGLE

SPI Nighthawk

SPI Nighthawk

  • 6/1/7 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 190 Creeps Killed
  • 11.96k Gold Earned
Sundered Sky Death's Dance Plated Steelcaps Kraken Slayer Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

SPI Gtrik

SPI Gtrik

  • 6/0/9 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 282 Creeps Killed
  • 15.12k Gold Earned
Sorcerer's Shoes Needlessly Large Rod Mejai's Soulstealer Cryptbloom Shadowflame Luden's Companion Farsight Alteration
Cleanse Flash ADC

SPI Sentio

SPI Sentio

  • 4/2/1 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 195 Creeps Killed
  • 10.64k Gold Earned
Cloak of Agility Long Sword Berserker's Greaves Doran's Blade Infinity Edge The Collector Farsight Alteration
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

SPI Nadro

SPI Nadro

  • 1/1/12 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 20 Creeps Killed
  • 7.73k Gold Earned
Cloth Armor Locket of the Iron Solari Celestial Opposition Plated Steelcaps Knight's Vow Oracle Lens
Champion Kills/Deaths/Assists Player Items Creeps Killed Gold Earned
Ignite Teleport TOP

CWE Bala

Mercury's Treads Ravenous Hydra Trinity Force Farsight Alteration
187 8.44k
Smite Flash JUNGLE

CWE Paresz

Sorcerer's Shoes Dark Seal Fiendish Codex Blackfire Torch Liandry's Torment Oracle Lens
198 9.97k
Flash Teleport MID

CWE Robenong

Long Sword Mercury's Treads Vampiric Scepter Doran's Blade Infinity Edge Navori Flickerblade Farsight Alteration
236 10.09k
Heal Flash ADC

CWE Baki

Cloak of Agility Boots of Swiftness Last Whisper Doran's Blade Infinity Edge The Collector Farsight Alteration
237 10.29k
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

CWE Tochas

Cloth Armor Control Ward Kindlegem Ionian Boots of Lucidity Locket of the Iron Solari Celestial Opposition Oracle Lens
22 5.92k
Gold Earned Creeps Killed Player Items Kills/Deaths/Assists Champion
11.13k 223
Doran's Ring Rod of Ages Sterak's Gage Plated Steelcaps Navori Flickerblade Farsight Alteration
Flash Teleport TOP

SPI Hasagi

11.96k 190
Sundered Sky Death's Dance Plated Steelcaps Kraken Slayer Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

SPI Nighthawk

15.12k 282
Sorcerer's Shoes Needlessly Large Rod Mejai's Soulstealer Cryptbloom Shadowflame Luden's Companion Farsight Alteration
Flash Teleport MID

SPI Gtrik

10.64k 195
Cloak of Agility Long Sword Berserker's Greaves Doran's Blade Infinity Edge The Collector Farsight Alteration
Cleanse Flash ADC

SPI Sentio

7.73k 20
Cloth Armor Locket of the Iron Solari Celestial Opposition Plated Steelcaps Knight's Vow Oracle Lens
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

SPI Nadro

Damage distribution

Distribution %
TOP 16.36% 26.77%
JUNGLE 47.93% 14.72%
MID 11.25% 34.86%
ADC 18.23% 16.9%
SUPPORT 6.23% 6.75%

Gold distribution

Distribution %
TOP 18.88% 19.68%
JUNGLE 22.29% 21.13%
MID 22.57% 26.72%
ADC 23.02% 18.81%
SUPPORT 13.23% 13.66%

Minion kills

Distribution %
TOP 21.25% 24.51%
JUNGLE 22.5% 20.88%
MID 26.82% 30.99%
ADC 26.93% 21.43%
SUPPORT 2.5% 2.2%