PCS Spring 2024 Regular Season

Finished Friday, February 16, 2024 BO3


PSG Talon

CTBC Flying Oyster

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CTBC Flying Oyster vs PSG Talon - Game 1

CFO vs PSG - PCS Spring 2024 Regular Season - 1/19/24 - Game 1 Game Overview

Team Gold 54937
  • Infernal Drake
  • Hextech Drake
  • 1st Heralds
  • 1st Baron Nashors
  • 1st Inhibitors
  • 1st Towers
Winner CTBC Flying Oyster
21:4 24:49
1st drake
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
    Baron Nashors
  • 0
  • Cloud Drake
  • Hextech Drake
39773 Team Gold
  • Picks
  • K'Sante
  • Taliyah
  • Rell
  • Vi
  • Twisted Fate 1st
  • Bans
  • Jax
  • Maokai
  • Milio
  • Gnar
  • Karma
  • Picks
  • Viego
  • Aatrox
  • Senna
  • Nautilus
  • Azir
  • Bans
  • Ashe
  • Corki
  • Rumble
  • Kalista
  • Lee Sin
Winner CTBC Flying Oyster
21:4 24:49
  • Picks
  • K'Sante
  • Taliyah
  • Rell
  • Vi
  • Twisted Fate 1st
  • Bans
  • Jax
  • Maokai
  • Milio
  • Gnar
  • Karma
  • Picks
  • Viego
  • Aatrox
  • Senna
  • Nautilus
  • Azir
  • Bans
  • Ashe
  • Corki
  • Rumble
  • Kalista
  • Lee Sin
  • 54937
    Team Gold
    39773 1st drake
  • 1st 1
  • 1st 1
    Baron Nashors
  • 1st 1
  • 1st 9
    • Infernal Drake
    • Hextech Drake
    • Cloud Drake
    • Hextech Drake

Player stats

Ghost Teleport TOP

CFO Rest

CFO Rest

  • 5/0/7 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 218 Creeps Killed
  • 11.16k Gold Earned
Cloth Armor Plated Steelcaps Thornmail Kaenic Rookern Iceborn Gauntlet Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

CFO Karsa

CFO Karsa

  • 8/1/8 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 180 Creeps Killed
  • 11.42k Gold Earned
Mercury's Treads Sterak's Gage Sundered Sky Frozen Heart Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

CFO Gori

CFO Gori

  • 6/1/8 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 241 Creeps Killed
  • 12.21k Gold Earned
Sorcerer's Shoes Doran's Ring Needlessly Large Rod Shattered Armguard Seraph's Embrace Liandry's Torment Farsight Alteration
Flash Teleport ADC

CFO Shunn

CFO Shunn

  • 2/0/9 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 228 Creeps Killed
  • 13.14k Gold Earned
Rapid Firecannon Kraken Slayer Statikk Shiv Doran's Blade Ionian Boots of Lucidity Farsight Alteration
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

CFO SwordArt

CFO SwordArt

  • 0/2/17 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 33 Creeps Killed
  • 7k Gold Earned
Cloth Armor Kindlegem Ionian Boots of Lucidity Locket of the Iron Solari Celestial Opposition Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport TOP

PSG Azhi

PSG Azhi

  • 0/4/1 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 244 Creeps Killed
  • 8.57k Gold Earned
Long Sword Plated Steelcaps Doran's Shield Edge of Night Profane Hydra Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

PSG JunJia

PSG JunJia

  • 3/4/1 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 168 Creeps Killed
  • 8.66k Gold Earned
Ruby Crystal Control Ward Mercury's Treads Sterak's Gage Sundered Sky Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport MID

PSG Maple

PSG Maple

  • 1/5/1 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 216 Creeps Killed
  • 8.29k Gold Earned
Mercury's Treads Doran's Ring Blasting Wand Nashor's Tooth Haunting Guise Farsight Alteration
Cleanse Flash ADC

PSG Betty

PSG Betty

  • 0/4/4 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 64 Creeps Killed
  • 6.66k Gold Earned
Boots of Swiftness Last Whisper Doran's Blade Youmuu's Ghostblade Bloodsong Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport SUPPORT

PSG Woody

PSG Woody

  • 0/4/3 Kills/Deaths/Assists
  • 189 Creeps Killed
  • 7.6k Gold Earned
Ruby Crystal Mercury's Treads Doran's Shield Hollow Radiance Frozen Heart Oracle Lens
Champion Kills/Deaths/Assists Player Items Creeps Killed Gold Earned
Ghost Teleport TOP

CFO Rest

Cloth Armor Plated Steelcaps Thornmail Kaenic Rookern Iceborn Gauntlet Oracle Lens
218 11.16k
Smite Flash JUNGLE

CFO Karsa

Mercury's Treads Sterak's Gage Sundered Sky Frozen Heart Oracle Lens
180 11.42k
Flash Teleport MID

CFO Gori

Sorcerer's Shoes Doran's Ring Needlessly Large Rod Shattered Armguard Seraph's Embrace Liandry's Torment Farsight Alteration
241 12.21k
Flash Teleport ADC

CFO Shunn

Rapid Firecannon Kraken Slayer Statikk Shiv Doran's Blade Ionian Boots of Lucidity Farsight Alteration
228 13.14k
Ignite Flash SUPPORT

CFO SwordArt

Cloth Armor Kindlegem Ionian Boots of Lucidity Locket of the Iron Solari Celestial Opposition Oracle Lens
33 7k
Gold Earned Creeps Killed Player Items Kills/Deaths/Assists Champion
8.57k 244
Long Sword Plated Steelcaps Doran's Shield Edge of Night Profane Hydra Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport TOP

PSG Azhi

8.66k 168
Ruby Crystal Control Ward Mercury's Treads Sterak's Gage Sundered Sky Oracle Lens
Smite Flash JUNGLE

PSG JunJia

8.29k 216
Mercury's Treads Doran's Ring Blasting Wand Nashor's Tooth Haunting Guise Farsight Alteration
Flash Teleport MID

PSG Maple

6.66k 64
Boots of Swiftness Last Whisper Doran's Blade Youmuu's Ghostblade Bloodsong Oracle Lens
Cleanse Flash ADC

PSG Betty

7.6k 189
Ruby Crystal Mercury's Treads Doran's Shield Hollow Radiance Frozen Heart Oracle Lens
Flash Teleport SUPPORT

PSG Woody

Damage distribution

Distribution %
TOP 23.42% 25.92%
JUNGLE 17.57% 12.5%
MID 28.23% 25.61%
ADC 24.61% 24.01%
SUPPORT 6.18% 11.97%

Gold distribution

Distribution %
TOP 20.32% 21.55%
JUNGLE 20.79% 21.77%
MID 22.22% 20.83%
ADC 23.93% 16.73%
SUPPORT 12.75% 19.11%

Minion kills

Distribution %
TOP 24.22% 27.7%
JUNGLE 20% 19.07%
MID 26.78% 24.52%
ADC 25.33% 7.26%
SUPPORT 3.67% 21.45%