Boosting Your Behavior Score in Dota 2: Positive Play

Boosting Your Behavior Score in Dota 2: Positive Play

In Dota 2, the behavior score plays a very important role in matchmaking and can greatly affect it. Just like MMR (Matchmaking Rating) sets the average level of your games, behavior score sets you with players with similar behavior scores. A low behavior score is usually associated with having more toxic teammates, but do not worry, we have some recommendations on how to increase your score.

Explaining Behavior Score in Dota 2

Valve’s behavior score system measures player toxicity, with a score of 1 to 10,000, where the higher score is better. Valve also stresses having a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) to ensure that everyone is welcome in the community. This they have done in ways such as the temporary bans that were issued during Frostivus 2023 to some of the worst offenders.

Thus, it is important to keep the behavior score high in order to have fun and play quality games.

How to Check Your Behavior Score

To check your behavior score, launch the Dota 2 client, go to your profile, and switch to the Conduct Summary page. A popup will show your “Overall Conduct” and your current behavior score. The scores that are higher are marked with green color and a smiling emoji while the lower scores may be in other colors. This section also shows statistics that affect the behavior score including the number of abandons, reports, and commendations.

Your conduct summary is refreshed every 10 games, so you can see how you are doing as you try to change your behavior.

Strategies to Increase Your Behavior Score

It may sound like a challenge to increase your behavior score, but here are some effective ways to increase it in the shortest time possible.

1. Stay Positive

It is not common to find positivity in Dota 2 matches, but the little gestures can make a big difference. Applaud supporters, or congratulate teammates after a battle has been won. Positive interactions mean that one is likely to receive commendations which can greatly improve one’s behavior score.

For instance, if you are not very vocal, you will find that after a victory, all you need to do is to congratulate your teammates and they will do the same to you.

2. Avoid Getting Reported

Writing reports are negative to your behavior score. Players usually give reports to the administration for griefing, using abusive language, or any other negative behavior. But at the same time, reports can be made due to low results or failure on the field. Although reports are sometimes unavoidable, make sure they are not too frequent. It is not a big deal if you make occasional reports in a few games out of many games that are played.

Likewise, do not quit games as this is detrimental to your behavior score as per the results above.

3. Farm Your Behavior Score

For a quick fix, you can play Turbo games or matches against bots if you are in need of a quick fix. Turbo games are mini-games and are less time-consuming but they do contribute to your behavior score. These games are usually not as competitive and the players are generally more relaxed and laid back. This environment should be used to remain positive and not read or watch the news.

For those who have issues with toxic behavior, it is recommended to not talk and mute everyone including teammates. It reduces the chances of having a toxic interaction and thus keeps the behavior score neutral.

Remember, it will take a number of negative behaviors to bring down your behavior score to the required level. If you want to win the game, then learn to play the game and respect other players, then you will find that you are winning the game.

If you follow these tips, you will have a better chance of getting a good match and be able to play Dota 2 without the negativity that comes with it. Happy gaming!

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